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December 28, 2010

New Year Greetings from The Pipal

Its been a rather eventful year for us at The Pipal. Our target for 2010 was to get the online store going - a personalized kids furnishings online store! Amongst the first of its kind and quite unheard of in India. Most people we talked to were sceptical about the concept which made us work harder...
Every online order reaffirms our belief in our idea :)
We have seen tremendous growth in all areas: manufacturing, web development as well as product design. Still a lot of learning to do and a long way to go! All teams rock!

2011 begins on a more exciting note as we have more vendors with new product lines on our website, new designs and products lined up for release, and a target to reach more customers in more places all over the country. And maybe outside the country, too :)
On a personal note, I have made so many friends in so many different places the past year! A special thanks to family and friends who have been our biggest support - thanks for all the design reviews, suggestions and encouragement! Of course, my biggest supporters and best critics are the men in my life - my husband and my 3 year old son :) I give a daily status report to my son about how many people like us on facebook!!!

On that happy note, wishing you a very happy new year!